Hot Magic & Parlor Tricks How-Tos

How To: Levitate

After a silly opening with some amazing levitation we learn how to do a much simpler levitation. This video is hilarious and you can learn a thing or two from it. This is not the Balducci levitation. It is an ingenious bootleg solution that involves taking off one shoe, and a blanket that disguises some of the method.

How To: Make an empty can full again

You can learn a magic trick that will make an empty can full again, just watch this how-to video. You need a can of soda, piece of paper, black texta, scissors, and a marker. You trim the paper to best fit the can's mouth, insert a hole behind the can's mouth, and squeeze about 2/3 of the can out. Check out this video magic tutorial and learn how to create the illusion of filling up an empty can.