Hot Magic & Parlor Tricks How-Tos

How To: Perform the amazing vanishing salt shaker magic trick

Impress your friends by "screwing up" an attempt to make a coin disappear -- and instead making an entire salt shaker go through the table! For this trick you will need a salt or pepper shaker, a stiff napkin, a coin, and a table. This magic trick takes a little bit of misdirection, but has amazing results. Watch this video magic tutorial and learn how to do a disappearing salt shaker trick.

How To: Do speed stacks

This tutorial video will show you how to do one of the most basic elements of cup stacking: the three cup stack. The three cup stack is an integral part of advanced cup stacking.

How To: Make magic sand

Magic Sand will retain it's shape when poured into water and then when the water is poured off, the sand will still be dry. I bet you 3M never imagined Scotch guard could be used for something like this! A great project for the kids (or those of you who are really just grown-up kids).

How To: Perform David Blaine's card magic trick

Learn how to perform David Blaine's card trick in this instructional video by a fellow magician who figured out this magic trick and breaks it down step by step. In this trick, a chosen card seems to switch places with the one on the table. All it takes is a duplicate card, and the ability to perform a double lift. Watch this video magic tutorial and learn how to perfrom David Blaine's card change trick.

How To: Palm objects for magic tricks

Learn how to perform simple palming techniques from this instructional video. Palming allows a magician to hide objects in the palm of their hand, while creating the illusion of having absolute nothing hidden. Watch this video magic tutorial and find out how to palm hidden objects, like coins, cards, or even poker chips, for any sort of magic trick.

How To: Perform a quarter change magic trick

Learn how to perform the giant quarter change in this instructional video which takes you through this simple size changing coin magic trick step by step. You will need a a quarter and a prop giant quarter. Palming is an essential skill for many magic tricks, and creates the illusion of pulling an object out of thin air or changing objects into something else. Watch this video magic tutorial and find out how to perform a quarter change magic trick.

How To: Perform a coin stand magic trick

Learn how to do two simple coin vanishing tricks with a coin stand and with just your hands from this instructional video. A gimmick coin stand will make coins disappear into a false hollow. Watch this video magic tutorial and find out how to perform some coin vanishing tricks with just your hands or with the help of a coin stand prop.

How To: Perform magic tricks with body manipulation

Remember that uncle that used to do simple palming tricks, like pulling a coin from out behind an ear? This video magic tutorial shows how to perform several easy illusions using your hands such as the moving thumb trick. Watch this instructional video and learn how to do some easy magic tricks with just palming and hand or body manipulation.

How To: Do basic false shuffles for magic card tricks

This is an instructional video on how to perform card shuffles that allow you to place particular cards at the top or bottom of the deck and how to keep them that way. False shuffles, such as the riffle shuffle and Hindu shuffle, are important for card magicians to create the illusion of shuffling cards, without losing track of a desired card or cards. Watch this video magic tutorial and learn how to do basic false and riffle shuffles for card tricks.

How To: Spin a staff

This video staff spinning tutorial series demonstrates a variety of different beginning spins: the basic spin, the figure eight spin, and the primary backspin. Staff spinning doesn't take anything but practice, and some good tips don't hurt. Watch these instructional videos and learn how to spin a staff like a pro.

How To: Perform a double lift card sleight

The double-lift — taking two cards off the top of a deck while pretending you're just removing one — is a fundamental card sleight that is the basis for hundreds of card tricks. It may take some practice, but will be useful in lots of card tricks. Watch this video magic tutorial and learn how to perform a double lift card sleight in a car trick.

How To: Perform the three beat weave poi move

Check out this how-to video to perform three beat weave poi. This poi lesson is for beginners who already know how to spin the two beat weave. The three beat weave poi move is an essential component of your poi twirling move-base. It'll be used a lot, so you should learn how to do it well. Here is a very comprehensive tutorial on how to do so.

How To: Perform the basic two handed spiral for poi

Perform the basic two handed spiral poi move with tips from this how-to video. This poi how-to video is for beginners and those at the intermediate level. The basic two handed spiral poi move is also known as hand spirals, spiral wraps, and double hand-wraps. To do this poi move, you need to have good split-time and wall-plane control.

How To: Perform butterfly low reels for poi

Perform butterfly low reels for poi with tips from this how-to video. This poi video is for beginners. To perform butterfly low reels, you must first know how to do basic butterfly spinning for poi. This move is very cool and will lead to some wonderful things once you've completed your poi reels training.