Did you know it's possible to light a match simply by using your teeth? You can look like a total badass if you learn how to do this trick properly, although you might get burned in the process. From ...
Remember that magic trick from when you were a kid where the magician colors the drawing without any crayons? Ever wonder how they do that? Check out this tutorial, and you will know their well-kept s ...
Magician Chris Webb shows you how to do the "Pick a Card" trick on The Telegraph's YouTube channel. Shuffle the deck of cards.Allow the person you perform the trick on to draw a card.While they are lo ...
What if I told you that you could read minds? You'd most likely think I was crazy, and you'd be right. But what I really meant is that you could make people think that you could read minds, something ...
Heads up: the following videos and GIFs will definitely cause you to zone out and lose focus on whatever it is you're doing. Ouka is an award-winning Japanese entertainer whose made a name for himself ...
In this clip, learn the simple trick behind opening a full beer bottle with a spinning bike wheel. This is a pretty cool bar trick, that can be done at picnics, cook outs and anywhere else you might h ...
Watch this video to learn how to open a beer bottle with a newspaper. This easy to learn bar trick can win you tons of free beers, just bet your friends that you can open a beer bottle with a piece of ...
Is it impossible to fold a piece of paper more than seven times? Yes, or is it? In this video from Fun Party Tricks, you'll see how to fold a piece of paper seven times and seven times only, but that ...
Check out this tutorial for a cool magic trick that you can easily perform for your friends.All this trick requires is a little preparation and you will be wowing crowds in the bar in no time. With th ...