In this video Meenik shows you how to do spiral wraps with poi. He shows you how to hold your hands and position your thumbs and gives multiple angles so you can really see what goes on. ...
In this series of circus and carnival instructional videos, our expert on party entertainment will tell you everything you need to know about breathing fire. ...
The double windmill uses the same technique as the weave except it is being applied on a different plane. Where the forward weave uses an alternation of raising the lower hand back and on top, the dou ...
A little poi lesson on behind-the-back weave, shot in beautiful Bali. Even if you aren't in Bali, you can still learn this poi move. ...
We often get emails asking us about poi, how to make them, how to hold them, etc. We had such a great crew of people gathered in Thailand, we decided to Show our Poi. If you're looking for ideas for p ...
This tutorial goes over how to isolation poi spins. It results from both your hand and the poi orbiting around each other, instead of just your hand moving. ...
David J. Castle teaches you a magic trick in which you appear to make a knot jump from one strand of rope to another. You can use two different colored lengths of rope for a more impressive effect. ...
A card manipulation tutorial on card springing. This is an impressive beginner's flourish that can be used in a card trick routine. ...
Being able to double or triple lift is key to performing a wide range of card tricks. This tutorial will teach you how to do it. ...
A tutorial for a beginner's magic trick - the basic card teleport, in which you appear to make a card placed in the middle of a deck magically reappear at the top. ...